Name Kassidy 

CMM 240 A – Spring ‘22

Date Due 4/5/22

QCQ is short for “Quotation-Comment-Question.” It begins with a Quotation of 1-3 sentences. It then has a Comment. And it then asks a Question that encourages engagement from others. A good QCQ gives you something to bring to the table and offers something worth discussing in class. Earn full credit (1000 points) for a QCQ that touches all 3 bases – and is in on time.

QCQ for _Blackfishing ___________________________________________

Quotation (with page number or parag number or time stamp if video/audio)

Instagrams platform affordances reveal how radicalized bodies and spaces are extracted of their cultural and economic value 

Comment (250-500 words)

When I was reading the article for the first time it talked about how people who are blackfishing are normally doing it to gain from it. This is what my quote has to do with that. People who blackfish are doing it for their own personal gain by trying to “relate” to other races. These kinds of people who want to have a big internet influence are trying to reach as many people as possible but by doing this is sendong the wrong message. These people also are getting brand deals and promoting things that they really know nothing about but they are getting promoted and their name is getting out there.


Do you think now almost everything is getting labeled that it belongs to this race or the other?