Daily Creates #TDC3674 #ds106 #tdc3674 @eng304cripps pic.twitter.com/A7zUZusHIX— Kassidy Bradshaw (@KassidyBradsha3) February 3, 2022 Today’s daily creation was based on what day it was. The date of this daily creation was a palindrome day meaning the month, day and year are all the same number and it happens to be groundhog day. This will also happen again in 20 days and the date will be 2/22/22, which also happens to fall on Tuesday which is the second day of the week. When deciding on what theme to do with my daily creation, I decided that I wanted to do something fun and colorful. I searched on the internet to find pictures of the number two and used canva to put it all together. Overall this daily creation was one of the easier ones to do, when putting together the final product I did not find anything really hard about putting it all together.ds106dc. #tdc36774